Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Simpkins & Simpkins, Taoism for Beginners (2020)

C. Alexander Simpkins and Annellen Simpkins.
Taoism for Beginners: A Guide to Balanced Living.
Tokyo; Rutland, Vermont; and Singapore: Tuttle Publishing, 2020.

Book Information: Publisher; Google Books;


Wikipedia Articles:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

In Our Time:

This is the first book on Taoism I have read (aside from the Tao Te Ching) so I can't compare it to other notable introductions such as those by Alan Watts and Hans-Georg Moeller. I was prompted to seek out an introductory book on Taoism because I found the Tao Te Ching somewhat baffling on first reading (see my forthcoming post on Tao Te Ching for various editions; the version I first read is very terse and without any explanatory notes or commentary, which I think is not appropriate for beginners; other translations of Tao Te Ching contain more commentary and interpretative renditions).
