Tuesday, February 12, 2008

John W. Dean.
Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush.
New York: Little, Brown and Company / Time Warner Book Group, 2004;
paperback edition with an additional chapter: Warner Books, April 2005;
now published by: Grand Central Publishing / Hachette Book Group USA.

Book information: publisher, Google Books, Amazon.com.

John W. Dean:
  • John Dean, Wikipedia.
    (If you're too young to know who John Dean is, or don't understand why his declaration [that Bush/Cheney's actions are "worse that Watergate"] carries great weight, then you should read something about him.)

  • John Dean archive at FindLaw.com.
    (Dean has a regular column published at FindLaw.com.)

  • John W. Dean. Conservatives Without Conscience. New York: Viking / Penguin Group (USA), 2006.
    (Google Books, Amazon.com)

  • John W. Dean. Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. New York: Viking / Penguin Group (USA), September 2007.
    (Google Books, Amazon.com)

Other Essays, Websites, Books, etc.:
  • BushSecrecy.org, a project of Public Citizen.
    Documents secrecy efforts (obstruction of public oversight, etc) of the Bush administration.

  • Cheney's Law, PBS Frontline, originally broadcast 16 October 2007.
    "For three decades Vice President Dick Cheney conducted a secretive, behind-closed-doors campaign to give the president virtually unlimited wartime power. Finally, in the aftermath of 9/11, the Justice Department and the White House made a number of controversial legal decisions. Orchestrated by Cheney and his lawyer David Addington, the department interpreted executive power in an expansive and extraordinary way, granting President George W. Bush the power to detain, interrogate, torture, wiretap and spy -- without congressional approval or judicial review."

  • I posted links to several books on presidential secrecy, the U.S. Constitution, and the national security state here, 11 January 2008.