Friday, December 01, 2023

Bronte, C., Jane Eyre (2021)

Charlotte Brontë.
Jane Eyre.
Edited by Karen Swallow Prior ("A Guide to Reading and Reflecting").
Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing, 2021.

Book Information: Publisher; Google Books; Wikipedia;


Wikipedia Articles: Author, Book, English Literature, British History


In Our Time:

Other Video :

You can find some (some, not much) insightful commentary on Jane Eyre (and other literary classics) on YouTube. For example:

Some other editions of Jane Eyre :

Comments on the Karen Swallow Prior edition of Jane Eyre :

Professor Prior's Introduction and "Reflection Questions" are helpful. However, they are oriented towards reinforcing the faith of evangelical Christians and, if that is not your motivation for reading, that can be a little off-putting. On the other hand, she footnotes Biblical references which may be absent in other editions. I recommend readers get the Norton Critical Editions version instead.
