Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tombs, France 1814-1914 (1996)

Robert Tombs.
France 1814-1914.
Harlow, England: Longman (Pearson Education Limited), 1996.
London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2014.

Book Information: Publisher; Google Books;


Author Information:

Wikipedia Articles:

In Our Time Episodes on Nineteenth Century France:

Tombs' book France 1814-1914 is the best book on French history that I have read so far. Gildea's Children of the Revolution: The French, 1799-1914 (2008) is a good descriptive, chronological, introductory, survey of Nineteenth Century France, perhaps necessary to prepare one for Tombs' book. But don't stop with Gildea's book. Your preparation with Gildea's book will be rewarded by Tombs' book.
