Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Stevenson, 1917: War, Peace, and Revolution (2017)

David Stevenson.
1917: War, Peace, and Revolution.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Book Information: Publisher; Google Books; Amazon.com.


Author Information:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Video: David Stevenson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wikipedia Articles:
Part I: Atlantic Prologue

Chapter 1: Unleashing the U-BoatsChapter 2: Enter AmericaChapter 3: Britain Adopts Convoys
Part II: Continental Impasse

Chapter 4: Tsar Nicholas AbdicatesChapter 5: France AttacksChapter 6: The Kerensky OffensiveChapter 7: The Road to PasschendaeleChapter 8: Collapse at CaporettoChapter 9: Peace Moves and Their Rejection
Part III: Global Repercussions

Chapter 10: The Spread of Intervention: Greece, Brazil, Siam, ChinaChapter 11: Responsible Government for IndiaChapter 12: A Jewish National Home
Part IV: Conclusion

Towards 1918: Lenin's Revolution, the Ludendorff Offensives, and Wilson's Fourteen Points~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stevenson's book 1917 is an excellent survey of major events and decision-making during the year 1917. The principal feature of the book is the author's detailed description and analysis of debates among leaders, providing insight into the perennial question "What were they thinking?" for a year that featured many strategic failures.
