Links: Science, Medicine, and Policy
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Fourth Quadrant: A Map of the Limits of Statistics, Edge,, 15 September 2008.
- Is There Life on Mars?, Nova, PBS, original broadcast date: 30 December 2008.
- Teryn Norris & Jesse Jenkins, Will America Lose the Clean-Energy Race?,, 29 July 2009.
- Greg Palast, Katrina, Four Years Later: Expert Fired Who Warned Levees Would Burst, Crooks and Liars, 26 August 2009.
On Ivor van Heerden and the cowardice of Louisiana State University administrators.
Article also at
- Fred de Sam Lazaro, Two Decades On, India Eye Clinic Maintains Innovative Mission, Online NewsHour, PBS, 02 September 2009.
On the Aravind Eye Care System of India (; Wikipedia).
- The World at Night, Online NewsHour, PBS, 03 September 2009.
Astronomers Without Borders.
- Ari LeVaux, Milk May Endanger Your Health, and the Dairy Industry Knows It, AlterNet,, 07 September 2009.
- Dennis Overbye, After Hubble Repair, New Images From Space, The New York Times,, 09 September 2009.
Hubble Opens New Eyes on the Universe, HubbleSite,, News Release Number: STScI-2009-25, 09 September 2009.
Spae Telescope Science Institute.
- William J. Broad, From Deep Pacific, Ugly and Tasty, With a Catch, The New York Times,, 09 September 2009.
Martin Fackler, Tuna Town in Japan Sees Falloff of Its Fish, The New York Times,, 19 September 2009.
Different locations and species, same problem.
- Elisabeth Malkin, Mexico Now Enduring Worst Drought in Years, The New York Times,, 12 September 2009.
Chip Ward, Red Snow Warning: The End of Welfare Water and the Drying of the West [Tomgram: Chip Ward, The Ruins in Our Future], TomDispatch,, 13 September 2009.
- Charles Duhigg, Toxic Waters - Clean Water Laws Are Neglected, at a Cost in Suffering, The New York Times,, 12 September 2009.
This shameful situation is a direct result of the anti-regulation policies advocated most vociferiously by the Republican Party, but also supported by the corporation-friendly DLC Democrats. The DLC provides further evidence that there is little difference between the Republicans and Democrats in US politics.
- John M. Broder and James Kanter, Europeans Say U.S. Lacks Will on Climate, The New York Times,, 20 September 2009.