Links: Sociology, Culture, etc.
- Paul Pettitt, Odd man out: Neanderthals and modern humans, British Archaeology, no. 51, February 2000.
"New research shows that Neanderthals were far more sophisticated than was thought ten years ago. Still, modern humans wiped them out in the end."
- Michael R. Dove, Dreams from His Mother, The New York Times,, 10 August 2009.
On the life and work of Ann Dunham.
Ann Dunham. Surviving Against the Odds: Village Industry in Indonesia. Duke University Press, December 2009.
(Publisher; Google Books;
- * batocchio, Silent Questions, Hullabaloo, 13 August 2009.
- Clive Thompson, Can Game Theory Predict When Iran Will Get the Bomb?, The New York Times Magazine,, 12 August 2009.
On the work of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (Wikipedia; NYU; Hoover Institution).
- Bruce E. Levine, Fundamentalist Consumerism and an Insane Society, Z Magazine, February 2009.
- Folwell Dunbar, Soft Measures: You don't always need a standardized test to know a school is in trouble. Just look in the boys' john., Miller-McCune Online Magazine, 21 August 2009.