Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Zuckerman & Malkan, eds., The Origin and Evolution of the Universe (1996)

The Origin and Evolution of the Universe.
Ben Zuckerman and Matthew A. Malkan, Editors.
Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 1996.

Book information: Publisher,

This book was a production of the Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life (CSEOL), University of California, Los Angeles.

Contents (These chapters consists of short - 15 to 30 pages - introductory survey essays.):
  1. The Origin of the Universe, by Edward L. Wright.
  2. The Origin and Evolution of Galaxies, by Alan M. Dressler.
  3. The Origin of Stars and Planets, by Fred C. Adams.
  4. Stellar Explosions, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes, by Alexei V. Filippenko.
  5. The Origin and Evolution of the Chemical Elements, by Virginia L. Trimble.
  6. The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe, by Christopher P. McKay, Link.
  7. Future of the Universe, by Andrei Linde.

For more detailed introductions to Astronomy and Astrophysics, see these textbooks (approximately ordered by pre-requisites):