Thursday, April 01, 2004

The Intercollegiate Review, Volume 39, Number 1-2 - Fall 2003 / Spring 2004.
(Note that the first four articles in this ISI 50th Anniversary issue form the starting point of the ISI Online Education in Liberty. I especially recommend the articles in this issue on Russell Kirk and T. S. Eliot. These articles provide a more representative statement of the actual humanistic philosophy adheared to by conservatives today, in contrast to the caricatures propagated by their opponents, which unfortunately prevail in our culture among the ill-informed.)

All issues of The Intercollegiate Review are available online here.

The Intercollegiate Review is the "flagship publication" of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a traditional conservative educational organization which sponsors lectures, conferences, scholarships, and has a vigorous publishing program of books and journals.

The ISI is a strong proponent and defender of Western Civilization. You can obtain some ideas of ISI's understanding of Western Civilization from the following: