Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, Part 2: What & Why are they protesting? Some answers.

There is no excuse for any confusion about the concerns / demands / objectives of #OccupyWallStreet, as we have heard so frequently from the propagandists for the status quo. The issues are obvious to the 99%. Further, we recognize the mainstream media protestations that "they have no spokesman" and "they have no list of demands" as feeble excuses to avoid an open discussion of issues that would threaten an insecure and corrupt establishment, a status quo whose illegitimacy increases by avoiding and denying open discussions. Here are some explicit expressions of our concerns.

Alan Grayson explains it to the nihilistic right-winger P.J. O'Rourke:
"Alan Grayson on Occupy Wall Street," Real Time with Bill Maher, 07 October 2011.
Here's a longer excerpt from that episode showing the other panelists wallowing and festering in their snide faux ignorance: link.

Some articles by Digby and from her blog Hullabaloo:
Some video reports:
A website for general education:
Connect the Dots: Civics & Policy Basics for the Busy Majority

The editors of Foreign Affairs get it:
Paul Krugman gets it:
Henry Blodget at The Business Insider gets it; he explains things perhaps more simply, and with lots of charts:
An unfortunate but necessary concern: that #OccupyWallStreet may be co-opted by the status quo: